Western Hearing Clinic

Now Accepting New Patients!

Do you often feel like the people around you are mumbling? Do you tend to turn the TV up louder than others enjoy it? Do you feel tired after social situations? These are all indicators that it is time to see a hearing specialist.


At  Western Hearing Clinic, we can:


  • Identify the cause of your hearing concerns
  • Explain your options
  • Find an expert solution to meet your needs

Why Choose Western Hearing Clinic?


  • Provide you with one-on-one experience
  • Positive atmosphere
  • Educate our patients

Connect with a Hearing Professional

We look forwarding to speaking with you and helping you to determine your hearing needs; simply input your information into the form below to request your appointment with us.

What We Offer:


Home Visits

Specialty Hearing Protection/Musician Services

Balance Evaluations

Binaural Testing

Live Speech Tests

Clients share their experience

The Latest Hearing Aids:

Todays hearing aids offer advanced speech processing, wind reduction, and improved management of feedback.

Need our care?
Please call us:

We would love to see how we can help you solve your hearing healthcare problems using the most professional methods in the industry.

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Our Location

CQ Partners at Labyrinth Audiology
© 2024 Western Hearing Clinic